Laser Marking

YJ LINK is a company that specializes in SMT Board handling equipment. Since our founding in June 2009, we have been recognized as Korea’s foremost authority in PCB transportation, laser markers, and routers through our active technological development and international expansion. Established in 2009 to leverage our board-handling technology, YJ LINK strives to evolve, grow, […]

MY700 Jet printing and dispensing

The new MY700

Double up on speed, versatility and precision

The new MY700

Double up on speed, versatility and precision

The new MY700

Double up on speed, versatility and precision
3D Visual Inspection Buffer ACI-10

Combining NG buffer equipment with 3-D visual inspection functions, this equipment allows NG PCB from in-line 2-D/3-D AOI inspection to be verified with a 3-D image (360˚ rotation camera) for accurate assessment. Features Fast cycle Real-time imaging for quick and accurate assessment Does not involve contact with PCB (prevents malfunction) One operator can control multiple […]

Laser Marking Machine YLM-10

Laser marking machines, which allow codes to be marked on the PCB without physical or chemical damages to the board itself, is a core part of YJ LINK’s system. Our laser-marking machine offers precision marking with high productivity and user-friendly interface. Features Fast cycle Next PCB for marking enters the operation area when marked PCB […]